Monday, January 2, 2012

Ode to the Silverline

Today marks the end of our use for the professional sanding machine, the Silverline. 

It's worth a dedicated blog, we shared many a memory. 

Here are some statistics:
18 The number of RLBWSH (Ridiculously Long  Back Wrenching Sanding Hours) we put in with the Silverline

3 The number of times we went back over the same dern swath of planks. We started with 36 grit sandpaper, then over every last plank with 60 then 100. THREE times I say.

1 The number of times the cord caught fire.

11 The number of times we shorted the circuit. Midway through we deemed it necessary to turn the furnace off to preserve power (note: we are in the process of upgrading our service from 120 to 220 - refer 'Bowx' blog)

267 The amount in dollars we spent sanding the floor ourselves

It was worth it, very much so. 

I ask myself, what would we have done without the Silverline?

 Oh - right:


  1. haha! i love your *what would i have done without it* photos!

    wowie, you make it look so fun and easy on the last post...i was almost hoping you'd save some silverline work for when i can come visit and help. glad it's going back! and the floors look great!

  2. It looks so good!! I can't wait to step on it. :-)

  3. Love the Hipstamatic effect!

  4. Did you all actually manage to snap a shot of the cord catching on fire, 4 pictures back?! That red, orange fireball type thing that I see in the background there as you diligently sand away?! Unbelievable!!! This was quite a tribute my friend, quite a tribute!
    Ode to Silverline!
