Thursday, December 29, 2011


Well you know my name is Janet, and I like to do drarings (SNL reference-look it up, Mike Myers at his best). After meeting with Randy-the-electrician last week I decided I needed to draw out the current electrical status. I have already put the first floor in Revit ( 3D drawing program - 'cause I'm a nerd) so I'm gonna draw the top floor and note the electrical. Weeee!

1 comment:

  1. i like to draw...all day come and do drarings with me! classic. but your drarings are far superior, and i don't even know what it means to *draw out the current electrical status*, but i'm very impressed.

    also, i've been meaning to say since the randy-the-electrician post, but i hope he is a recurring character for the blog. that snapshot you got of him looking completely unentertained at having his photo taken...made my day! a little more of that please!
